
Welcome to the DTG Radio page.

This page is my personal attempt to create my own implementation of the howler.js library.
Basically I built a “radio” that runs on web audio instead of standard HTML5. It should be more stable and work on all browsers and devices. (yea even cell phones nifty, huh?) However, starting a new stream takes a second or two. So when clicking a button, be patient, count to two. Then you should be good. 🙂

If you want more details, I’ll have some below.

[et_pb_dp_dmb_module_232579 radio_name=”D.T.G. Radio” _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” radio_name_font=”Acme|700|||||||” radio_name_text_align=”center” radio_name_text_color=”#FFFFFF” global_colors_info=”{}”][/et_pb_dp_dmb_module_232579]

Links For Your Own Player Below


128k AAC

48k AAC

48k AAC

64k MP3

64k MP3