Kezia’s First Birthday

I have so much in my life to be thankful for and I wanted to give a shout out to my main guy.. Jesus.
He’s been so awesome over the past year. Yesterday was my dog, Kezia’s birthday. (07/19) On October of last year my previous dog, Ginger decided to do something she rarely did because of her age. She climbed down the stairs of our deck and went out to say hi to another dog that was behind a fence. The other dog escaped it’s enclosure and my dog didn’t survive the encounter. My heart was broken and I was devastated beyond anything I had ever felt before. But, in that same moment I felt the presence of God in a way I had never had before. I felt an outpouring of love that I can’t fully explain or even completely comprehend and in that moment, I felt true forgiveness in my heart and forgave the owners of the other dog, right then and there and then did it again when they stopped by the house later that evening. I mourned deeply, loudly, and fully. I held nothing back and let it all go. (yea, the healthy thing to do)

So I kept praying. I decided if I was gonna ask, I was gonna get specific. After all, the last thing I wanted was another inflatable dog on my lawn. *grin* So I asked for a long-haired dapple Dachshund. Then I began the long arduous task of filling out multiple on-line forms for various breeders just to get on waiting lists. Most of these lists were long and I was looking at waiting anywhere from several months to over a year. Then one day, quite suddenly, I got a text message from a breeder asking me what type of dog I was looking for. I told her, a female dapple dachshund. She sent me a picture and I immediately knew it was God sending me a dog. Let me list some of the amazing things that God did, just to make sure I knew it was from him.
1. It was the only female in the litter.
2. It was from the same breeder as my previous dog. (didn’t even realize it when I filled out the form on the site.)
3. — totally paid for.
So that’s my story and believe it or not, that’s the short version. 🙂
I began praying for another dog and who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor. After the first time I asked for a dog, a short time later, a FedEx truck showed up with a picture of a Dog on the side. I took that as a sign that God was listening and working on it. I then prayed that one would show up in my front yard and I was clear that I would really like a Dachshund. This is now December. The next day my brother showed up and put one of those inflatable Christmas decoration in the yard. It was a Dachshund wearing a santa hat. I did chuckle and it felt like God and I had a good healthy chuckle. He understood what I needed and I got the hint that I might not be ready yet and that perhaps I still needed more time to mourn. Mathew 7:7 is often quoted as seek and ye shall find. When I go into the Amplified version it reads: “Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.”
Let me explain three a bit. So I live with my parents and I don’t make all that much. I have a little over a hundred dollars in savings and there was no way I could afford the 1500 price. They had offered to help. I showed the dog to my dad and told him it was from God and he said he didn’t really believe that. I told him that I would prove it because the dog would be paid for and he wouldn’t need to spend anything on it. I walked over to the people that owned that other dog, the ones I forgave. We had become friends. The woman of the household came to the door and asked me what was going on and I just showed her the picture and said.. “I found one.” Then I said. “You are forgiven and that means there is no debt between us. You are not required to, nor do I expect anything from you. You did, however, express an interest in helping and I’m here to give you an opportunity to do so. I’m not asking for any specific amount and even if you decide to pay nothing, I will not think less of you.” She asked how much the dog was and I showed her the text from the breeder with the price. She said she would talk to her husband and get back to us. Later that evening, she called and said they wanted to pay for the whole thing.
I picked her up on 9/11, She was born a Year ago today. She has been nothing but a constant blessing and joy in my life.

I have so much in my life to be thankful for and I wanted to give a shout out to my main guy.. Jesus.
He’s been so awesome over the past year. Yesterday was my dog, Kezia’s birthday. (07/19) On October of last year my previous dog, Ginger decided to do something she rarely did because of her age. She climbed down the stairs of our deck and went out to say hi to another dog that was behind a fence. The other dog escaped it’s enclosure and my dog didn’t survive the encounter. My heart was broken and I was devastated beyond anything I had ever felt before. But, in that same moment I felt the presence of God in a way I had never had before. I felt an outpouring of love that I can’t fully explain or even completely comprehend and in that moment, I felt true forgiveness in my heart and forgave the owners of the other dog, right then and there and then did it again when they stopped by the house later that evening. I mourned deeply, loudly, and fully. I held nothing back and let it all go. (yea, the healthy thing to do)

I began praying for another dog and who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor. After the first time I asked for a dog, a short time later, a FedEx truck showed up with a picture of a Dog on the side. I took that as a sign that God was listening and working on it. I then prayed that one would show up in my front yard and I was clear that I would really like a Dachshund. This is now December. The next day my brother showed up and put one of those inflatable Christmas decoration in the yard. It was a Dachshund wearing a santa hat. I did chuckle and it felt like God and I had a good healthy chuckle. He understood what I needed and I got the hint that I might not be ready yet and that perhaps I still needed more time to mourn. Mathew 7:7 is often quoted as seek and ye shall find. When I go into the Amplified version it reads: “Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.”
So I kept praying. I decided if I was gonna ask, I was gonna get specific. After all, the last thing I wanted was another inflatable dog on my lawn. *grin* So I asked for a long-haired dapple Dachshund. Then I began the long arduous task of filling out multiple on-line forms for various breeders just to get on waiting lists. Most of these lists were long and I was looking at waiting anywhere from several months to over a year. Then one day, quite suddenly, I got a text message from a breeder asking me what type of dog I was looking for. I told her, a female dapple dachshund. She sent me a picture and I immediately knew it was God sending me a dog. Let me list some of the amazing things that God did, just to make sure I knew it was from him.
1. It was the only female in the litter.
2. It was from the same breeder as my previous dog. (didn’t even realize it when I filled out the form on the site.)
3. — totally paid for.
Let me explain three a bit. So I live with my parents and I don’t make all that much. I have a little over a hundred dollars in savings and there was no way I could afford the 1500 price. They had offered to help. I showed the dog to my dad and told him it was from God and he said he didn’t really believe that. I told him that I would prove it because the dog would be paid for and he wouldn’t need to spend anything on it. I walked over to the people that owned that other dog, the ones I forgave. We had become friends. The woman of the household came to the door and asked me what was going on and I just showed her the picture and said.. “I found one.” Then I said. “You are forgiven and that means there is no debt between us. You are not required to, nor do I expect anything from you. You did, however, express an interest in helping and I’m here to give you an opportunity to do so. I’m not asking for any specific amount and even if you decide to pay nothing, I will not think less of you.” She asked how much the dog was and I showed her the text from the breeder with the price. She said she would talk to her husband and get back to us. Later that evening, she called and said they wanted to pay for the whole thing.
I picked her up on 9/11, She was born a Year ago today. She has been nothing but a constant blessing and joy in my life.
So that’s my story and believe it or not, that’s the short version. 🙂
Pictures in order:
1st pic of Kezia sent by breeder.
Ginger at front door
Kezia Checking for mail
Kezia taking over for Ginger
Kezia being cute.
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